Tips for Talking To Yourself
Posted: February 4, 2022
When you talk to yourself, what do you say? No, I don’t mean the kind of talking to yourself you do for ordinary things like “I have to remember to buy eggs at the grocery store,” or, “I wonder when Jimmy’s soccer practice is going to end?”. Instead, I mean what do you say to yourself when you mess up, hurt someone else’s feelings, or are hurt yourself? Do you sound like this:
- “I can’t ever do anything right.”
- “I really am the worst.”
- “Why would anyone be my friend?”
- “I don’t deserve good things, anyway.”
- “That wasn’t my finest moment, but we can’t be perfect all the time!”
- “I don’t like that I did that; how can I make it up to her?”
- “I don’t think that action aligned with my values.”
- “I’m sad I missed that opportunity, but surely another will come along.”